Rear Door Panel Removal/Installation


1.Raise the glass fully.

2.Using the appropriate trim tool, pry out on the rear portion of the inner handle cap (A) to release the hooks (B, C).


3.Remove the screw (A) and clip (B) securing the inner handle (C).


4.Remove the power window switch panel (A).

-1 Using the appropriate trim tool, pry up on the rear edge of the switch panel to release the rear clip.
-2 Pull out along the edge of the panel to release the hooks (B).
-3 Pull the switch panel rearward to release the front hook (C).
-4 Disconnect the power window switch connector (D).


5.Remove the screw.


6.Remove the door panel (A) with as little bending as possible to avoid creasing or breaking it.

-1 Start at the bottom edge of the door panel, release the clips that are just above the marks (B) on the edge of the panel with a commercially available trim pad remover.
-2 Detach the upper clips.
-3 Starting at the rear, pull the door panel upward.

NOTE: The inner handle cable (C) and latch cable (D) are connected to the inner handle (E). Do not pull the door panel up too far, or these cables will be damaged.


7.While holding the door panel (A) away from the door, remove the inner handle (B) from the door panel (B) by releasing the hooks (C), if necessary.


8.Remove the door panel (A) while pulling the inner handle (B) out through the hole in the door panel.


9.If necessary, disconnect the inner handle cable (A) and the latch cable (B) from the inner handle (C).

-1 Detach the inner handle cable fastener (D), then disconnect the inner handle cable from the cable fastener (E).
-2 Detach the latch cable fastener (F) with flat-tip screwdriver, then disconnect the latch cable from the cable fastener (G).

NOTE: Check for damaged or stress-whitened cable fasteners.


10.Install the door panel in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:

  • Check for damaged or stress-whitened clips, and replace them with new ones.
  • The latch cable (A) should be fixed to the cable fastener (B) with the latch in lock position.
  • Make sure the connector is plugged in properly, and the cables are connected securely.
  • Make sure the window and power door lock operate properly.