Injector Test

NOTE: Check the following items before testing: idle speed, ignition timing and idle CO%.

1.Try to start the engine.

Does the engine start?

YES - Go to 2.

NO - Go to 6.


3.Disable each injector at a time by selecting number of an injector which you want to step.

4.Inspect the change in the idle speed.

  • If the idle speed drop is almost the same for each cylinder, the fuel injectors are normal.
  • If the idle speed or quality remains the same when you disconnect a particular injector, faulty injector is suspected. Replace the injector and retest.

5.Check the clicking sound of each injector by means of a stethoscope when the engine is idling.

  • If any fuel injector fails to make the typical clicking sound, check the sound again after replacing the injector.
  • If clicking sound is still absent, check the following.
    • Whether there is wire breakage or poor connection in the YEL/BLK wire between the PGM-FI main relay and the junction connector.
    • Whether the junction connector is open or corroded.
    • Whether there is wire breakage or poor connection in the YEL/BLK wire between the junction connector and the injector.
    • Whether there is any short-circuiting, wire breakage or poor connection in the wire between the injector and the ECM/PCM.
  • If all is OK, the test is complete.

6.Turn the ignition switch OFF.

7.Remove the cowl cover and under-cowl panel.

8.Remove the fuel pipe cover.

9.Remove the injector connector.

10.Measure resistance between injector (A) terminals No. 1 and No. 2.


Is there 10-13 W?

YES - Go to 11.

NO - Replace the injector.n

11.Check the fuel pressure.

  • If the fuel pressure is as specified, check the following:
    • Whether there is wire breakage, or poor connection in the YEL/BLK wire between the PGM-FI main relay and the junction connector.
    • Whether the junction connector is open or corroded.
    • Whether there is wire breakage, or poor connection in the YEL/BLK wire between the junction connector and the injector.
    • Whether there is any short-circuiting, wire breakage or poor connection in the wire between the injector and the ECM/PCM.
  • If the fuel pressure is not as specified, recheck the fuel pressure.