Fuel and Emissions System Description - ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs

ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs at Connector A (¨) (44P)


NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.

Terminal number Wire color Terminal name Description Signal 
BLU FANL (RADIATOR FAN CONTROL) Drives radiator fan relay With radiator fan running: about 0 V
With radiator fan stopped: battery voltage 
GRY FANH (RADIATOR FAN CONTROL) Drives A/C condenser fan relay With A/C condenser fan running: about 0 V
With A/C condenser fan stopped: battery voltage 
GRN MRLY (PGM-FI MAIN RELAY 1) (C) Drives PGM-FI main relay 1 (C) Power source for DTC memory With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V
With ignition switch OFF: battery voltage 
ORN IGP (POWER SOURCE) Power source for ECM/PCM circuit With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage 
BLK SG6 (SENSOR GROUND) Sensor ground Less than 1.0 V at all times 
14 RED ACC (A/C COMPRESSOR CLUTCH RELAY) Drives A/C compressor clutch relay With compressor ON: about 0 V
With compressor OFF: battery voltage 
15 BRN IMOFPR (IMMOBILIZER FUEL PUMP RELAY) Drives PGM-FI main relay 2 (FUEL PUMP) About 0 V for 2 seconds after turning ignition switch ON (II), then battery voltage 
16 LT GRN ACPD (A/C PRESSURE SENSOR) Detects A/C pressure sensor signal With A/C switch ON: about 1.7-4.8 V
(depending on A/C pressure) 
17 YEL APSA (ACCELERATOR PEDAL POSITION (APP) SENSOR A) Detects APP sensor A signal With ignition switch ON (II) and accelerator pedal pressed: about 4.7 V
With ignition switch ON (II) and accelerator pedal released: about 0.5 V 
18 PUR APSB (ACCELERATOR PEDAL POSITION (APP) SENSOR B) Detects APP sensor B signal With ignition switch ON (II) and accelerator pedal pressed: about 2.3 V
With ignition switch ON (II) and accelerator pedal released: about 0.25 V 
19 RED VCC6 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) Provides sensor reference voltage With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V 
20 YEL ETCSRLY (ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL SYSTEM (ETCS) CONTROL RELAY) Drives electronic throttle control system (ETCS) control relay With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V
(4.0 V momentarily) 
21 LT BLU SUBRLY (PGM-FI SUBRELAY) (E) Drives PGM-FI subrelay (E) With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V 
   22*5 PNK PSPSW (POWER STEERING PRESSURE SWITCH SIGNAL) Detects PSP switch signal At idle with steering wheel in straight ahead position: about 0 V
At idle with steering wheel at full lock:
battery voltage 
   23*1 ORN ELD (ELECTRICAL LOAD DETECTOR (ELD)) Detects ELD signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.1-4.8 V
(depending on electrical load) 

*1: KE, KG, TR models 
*2: Without EPS model 

ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs at Connector A (¨) (44P)


NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.

Terminal number Wire color Terminal name Description Signal 
24 GRY VCC5 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) Provides sensor reference voltage With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V 
25 BRN VCC4 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) Provides sensor reference voltage With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V 
   27*3 PNK SLS (SHIFT LOCK SOLENOID) Drives shift lock solenoid With ignition switch ON (II), in the P position, brake pedal pressed, and accelerator released:
battery voltage 
   27*2 GRN RVS (REVERSE LOCK SOLENOID VALVE) Drives reverse lock solenoid valve With vehicle speed below 15 km/h (9.4 mph):
battery voltage
With vehicle speed above 20 km/h (12.5 mph): about 0 V 
28 BLU NEP (ENGINE SPEED PULSE) Outputs engine speed pulse With engine running: pulses 
29 BLU VSSOUT (VEHICLE SPEED SIGNAL OUTPUT) Sends vehicle speed sensor signal Depending on vehicle speed: pulses 
31 BRN SCS (SERVICE CHECK SIGNAL) Detects service check signal With service check signal shorted using the HDS: about 0 V
With service check signal opened: about 5.0 V 
33 GRN ECT2 (ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE (ECT) SENSOR 2) Detects ECT sensor 2 signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.1-4.8 V (depending on engine coolant temperature) 
34 LT BLU SG5 (SENSOR GROUND) Sensor ground Less than 1.0 V at all times 
35 BLU SG4 (SENSOR GROUND) Sensor ground Less than 1.0 V at all times 
36 WHT CANH (CAN COMMUNICATION SIGNAL HIGH) Sends communication signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 2.5 V (pulses) 
37 RED CANL (CAN COMMUNICATION SIGNAL LOW) Sends communication signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 2.5 V (pulses) 

*2: 6M/T 
*3: A/T 

ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs at Connector A (¨) (44P)


NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.

Terminal number Wire color Terminal name Description Signal 
39 BRN BKSWNC (BRAKE PEDAL POSITION SWITCH) Detects brake pedal position switch signal With ignition switch ON (II) and brake pedal released: battery voltage
With ignition switch ON (II) and brake pedal pressed: about 0 V 
40 LT GRN BKSW (BRAKE PEDAL POSITION SWITCH) Detects brake pedal position switch signal With brake pedal released: about 0 V
With brake pedal pressed: battery voltage 
   41*6 LT BLU CRMTCLS (CRUISE CLUTCH PEDAL POSITION SIGNAL) Detects clutch pedal position switch signal With ignition switch ON (II) and clutch pedal released: about 0 V
With ignition switch ON (II) and clutch pedal pressed: battery voltage 
42 RED WEN (WRITE ENABLE SIGNAL) Detects write enable signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V 
44 PNK S-NET5V (SERIAL COMMUNICATION FOR IMMOBILIZER) Sends communication signal With ignition switch ON (II): pulses
With ignition switch OFF: about 5.0 V 

*6: M/T with cruise control 

ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs at Connector B ([utri]) (44P)


NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.

Terminal number Wire color Terminal name Description Signal 
BLK PG2 (POWER GROUND) Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit Less than 1.0 V at all times 
BLU/RED EGR (EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION (EGR) VALVE) Drives EGR valve With EGR operating: duty controlled
With EGR not operating: about 0 V 
YEL/BLU PCS (EVAPORATIVE EMISSION (EVAP) CANISTER PURGE VALVE) Drives EVAP canister purge valve With engine running, engine coolant below 60 °C (140 °F): battery voltage
With engine running, engine coolant above 60 °C (140 °F): duty controlled 
BLK/WHT SO2SHTC (SECONDARY HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR (SECONDARY HO2S) HEATER (SENSOR 2)) Drives secondary HO2S heater (sensor 2) With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage
With fully warmed up engine running:
duty controlled 
YEL/RED OPSW (OIL PRESSURE SWITCH) Detects engine oil pressure signal With ignition switch OFF: about 0 V
With engine running: battery voltage 
   8*3 BLU/YEL OP2SW (2ND CLUTCH TRANSMISSION FLUID PRESSURE SWITCH) Detects 2nd clutch transmission fluid pressure switch input With ignition switch ON (II):
Without 2nd clutch pressure: about 5.0 V
With 2nd clutch pressure: about 0 V 
   9*3 BLK/RED OP3SW (3RD CLUTCH TRANSMISSION FLUID PRESSURE SWITCH) Detects 3rd clutch transmission fluid pressure switch input With ignition switch ON (II):
Without 3rd clutch pressure: about 5.0 V
With 3rd clutch pressure: about 0 V 
   10*3 BLU SHA (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE A) Drives shift solenoid valve A With engine running in 2 and D positions (in 2nd and 4th gears), and D3 position (in 2nd gear): battery voltage
With engine running in P, R, N and 1 positions (in 1st, 3rd and 5th gears), and D3 position (in 1st and 3rd gears): about 0 V 
   11*3 GRN/RED SHD (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE D) Drives shift solenoid valve D With engine running in P and R positions: battery voltage
With engine running in Park, R, Neutral, 1, or D, D3 position (in 1st, 3rd, 4th gears): about 0 V 
   12*3 RED/BLK ATPN (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH NEUTRAL) Detects transmission range switch N position signal input In N position: about 0 V
In any position other than N position: about 5.0 V 
   13*3 BLU/BLK ATPP (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH PARK) Detects transmission range switch Park position signal input In Park position: about 0 V
In any other position: battery voltage 
   14*3 WHT/GRN ATPR (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH R) Detects transmission range switch R position signal input In R position: about 0 V
In any position other than R position: battery voltage 
   15*6 RED ATPD3 (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH D3) Detects transmission range switch D3 position signal input In D3 position: about 0 V
In any position other than D3 position: battery voltage 

*3: A/T 
*6: A/T (7-position) 

ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs at Connector B ([utri]) (44P)


NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.

Terminal number Wire color Terminal name Description Signal 
   15*4 RED ATPS (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH S) Detects transmission range switch S position signal input In S position: about 0 V
In any other than S position: battery voltage 
   16*6 BRN ATP2-1 (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH 2-1) Detects transmission range switch 2 position and 1 position signal input In 2 and 1 positions: about 0 V
In other than 2 and 1 positions: battery voltage 
   16*4 BLU/YEL SUPP (STEERING WHEEL UPSHIFT (+) SWITCH) Detects steering wheel upshift (+) switch signal In S position:
With +switch pressed: about 0 V
With +switch released: battery voltage 
   17*3 WHT/RED NM (INPUT SHAFT (MAINSHAFT) SPEED SENSOR) Detects input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V or about 5 V
With engine idling in N position: about 2.5 V (pulses) 
18 YEL/BLU VCC2 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) Provides sensor reference voltage With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V 
   20*3 GRN SHC (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE C) Drives shift solenoid valve C With engine running in R position, and D position (in 3rd gear): battery voltage
With engine running in P, R, N, 2 positions, and D position (in 1st, 2nd, and 5th gears), and D3 position (in 1st and 2nd gears): about 0 V 
   21*3 YEL/GRN ATPD (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH D) Detects transmission range switch D position signal input In D position: about 0 V
In any position other than D position: battery voltage 
   22*3 YEL ATPRVS (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH R) Detects transmission range switch R position signal input In R position: about 0 V
In any position other than R position: battery voltage 
23 RED/WHT ECT1 (ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE (ECT) SENSOR 1) Detects ECT sensor 1 signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.1-4.8 V
(depending on engine coolant temperature) 
   25*3 BLU/WHT LSC (A/T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE C) Drives A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled 
   26*3 GRN/WHT SHB (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE B) Drives shift solenoid valve B With engine running in P and 1 positions, and D position (in 1st, 4th and 5th gears) and D3 position (in 1st gear): battery voltage
With engine running in P, N and 2 positions, and D, D3 positions (in 2nd and 3rd gears): about 0 V 
   27*3 BRN/RED ATFT (ATF TEMPERATURE SENSOR) Detects ATF temperature signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.2-4.0 V
(about 1.8 V at operating temperature)
(depending on ATF temperature) 
   28*3 BLU/YEL ATPFWD (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH D/D3/2 POSITION) Detects transmission range switch D, D3, 2 and 1 positions signal In D, D3, 2 and 1 positions: about 0 V
In any other position: battery voltage 

*3: A/T 
*4: A/T (5-position) 
*6: A/T (7-position) 

ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs at Connector B ([utri]) (44P)


NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.

Terminal number Wire color Terminal name Description Signal 
29 WHT/BLK EGRP (EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION (EGR) VALVE POSITION SENSOR) Detects EGR valve position sensor signal With engine running: 1.2-3.0 V
(depending on EGR valve lift) 
30 RED/BLU VG+ (MASS AIR FLOW (MAF) SENSOR +SIDE) Detects MAF sensor signal At idle: 1.1-1.6 V (between VG+ terminal and
VG- terminal) 
31 RED/YEL IAT (INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE (IAT) SENSOR) Detects IAT sensor signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.1-4.0 V
(about 1.8 V at normal operating temperature) 
32 BLK/RED VG- (MASS AIR FLOW (MAF) SENSOR -SIDE) Ground for MAF sensor signal  
33 GRN/YEL SG2 (SENSOR GROUND) Sensor ground Less than 1.0 V at all times 
34 BLK/WHT VTS (ROCKER ARM OIL CONTROL SOLENOID) Drives rocker arm oil control solenoid At idle: about 0 V 
   35*3 WHT LSA (A/T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE A) Drives A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled 
36 BLK PG1 (POWER GROUND) Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit Less than 1.0 V at all times 
37 BRN IMT+ (INTAKE MANIFOLD TUNING (IMT) ACTUATOR +SIDE) Drives IMT actuator With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage 
38 WHT/BLK IMT- (INTAKE MANIFOLD TUNING (IMT) ACTUATOR -SIDE) Ground for IMT actuator With ignition switch ON (II): 4.5 V
(between IMT+ terminal and IMT- terminal) 
39 WHT IMTM (INTAKE MANIFOLD TUNING (IMT) VALVE MONITOR) Detects IMT valve position With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V
With engine speed above 5,000 rpm (min-1):
about 5.0 V 
   40*4 BRN SDNP (STEERING WHEEL DOWNSHIFT (-) SWITCH) Detects steering wheel downshift (-) switch signal In S position:
With -switch pressed: about 0 V
With -switch released: battery voltage 
   41*1 WHT/GRN ALTC (ALTERNATOR CONTROL) Sends alternator control signal With fully warmed up engine running: 5.0 V depending on electrical load) 
42 WHT/BLU ALTL (ALTERNATOR L SIGNAL) Detects alternator L signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V
With engine running: battery voltage 
43 WHT/RED ALTF (ALTERNATOR FR SIGNAL) Detects alternator FR signal With engine running: about 2.6-3.4 V
(depending on electrical load) 
   44*3 BRN/WHT LSB (A/T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE AB) Drives A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled 

*1: KE, KG, TR models 
*3: A/T 
*4: A/T (5-position) 

ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs at Connector C (¡) (44P)


NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.

Terminal number Wire color Terminal name Description Signal 
WHT/GRN IG1ETCS (IGNITION SIGNAL ETCS) Detects ignition signal With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage 
BLK PGMETCS (POWER GROUND ETCS) Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit Less than 1.0 V at all times 
YEL/GRN ETCSM- (THROTTLE ACTUATOR -SIDE) Ground for throttle actuator With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V 
YEL/RED ETCSM+ (THROTTLE ACTUATOR +SIDE) Drives throttle actuator With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V 
BRN INJ1 (No. 1 INJECTOR) Drives No. 1 injector At idle: duty controlled
With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage 
RED INJ2 (No. 2 INJECTOR) Drives No. 2 injector 
BLU INJ3 (No. 3 INJECTOR) Drives No. 3 injector 
YEL INJ4 (No. 4 INJECTOR) Drives No. 4 injector 
GRN AFSHTC (AIR FUEL RATIO (A/F) SENSOR HEATER CONTROL (SENSOR 1)) Drives A/F sensor heater (sensor 1) With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage
With fully warmed up engine running: about 0 V 
11 GRN/RED MAP (MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE (MAP) SENSOR) Detects MAP sensor signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 3.0 V
At idle: about 1.0 V (depending on engine speed) 
12 GRN VCC3 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) Provides sensor reference voltage With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V 
13 YEL/RED VCC1 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) Provides sensor reference voltage With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V 
14 GRN/WHT SG1 (SENSOR GROUND) Sensor ground Less than 1.0 V at all times 
15 YEL/GRN IGPLS1 (No. 1 IGNITION COIL PULSE) Drives No. 1 ignition coil With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V
With engine running: pulses 
16 BLU/RED IGPLS2 (No. 2 IGNITION COIL PULSE) Drives No. 2 ignition coil 
17 WHT/BLU IGPLS3 (No. 3 IGNITION COIL PULSE) Drives No. 3 ignition coil 
18 BRN IGPLS4 (No. 4 IGNITION COIL PULSE) Drives No. 4 ignition coil 
20 RED/BLK TPSA (THROTTLE POSITION (TP) SENSOR A) Detects TP sensor A signal With throttle fully open: about 3.9 V
With throttle fully closed: about 0.9 V 
21 YEL TPSB (THROTTLE POSITION (TP) SENSOR B) Detects TP sensor B signal With throttle fully open: about 4.1 V
With throttle fully closed: about 1.7 V 

ECM/PCM Inputs and Outputs at Connector C (¡) (44P)


NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.

Terminal number Wire color Terminal name Description Signal 
   22*7 WHT/BLK POILCS (ENGINE OIL PRESSURE (EOP) SENSOR) Detects EOP sensor signal With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.5 V
With engine running: about 0.7 V
(depending on engine oil pressure) 
27 WHT/RED SHO2S (SECONDARY HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR (SECONDARY HO2S) (SENSOR 2)) Detects secondary HO2S (sensor 2) signal With throttle fully opened at idle and fully warmed up engine: about 0.6 V
With throttle quickly closed: below 0.4 V 
29 RED AFS+ (AIR FUEL RATIO (A/F) SENSOR (SENSOR 1) +SIDE) Detects A/F sensor (sensor 1) signal  
30 RED/YEL AFS- (AIR FUEL RATIO (A/F) SENSOR (SENSOR 1) -SIDE) Detects A/F sensor (sensor 1) signal  
31 WHT/GRN CMP (CAMSHAFT POSITION (CMP) SENSOR) Detects CMP sensor signal With engine running: pulses 
32 BLU/WHT CKP (CRANKSHAFT POSITION (CKP) SENSOR) Detects CKP sensor signal With engine running: pulses 
36 BLK/YEL IG1 (IGNITION SIGNAL) Detects ignition signal With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage 
   37*1 ORN OILLVL (ENGINE OIL LEVEL SENSOR SIGNAL) Detects engine oil level sensor signal With ignition switch ON (II): pulses 
39 BLU SG3 (SENSOR GROUND) Sensor ground Less than 1.0 V at all times 
40 BRN/YEL LG1 (LOGIC GROUND) Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit Less than 1.0 V at all times 
42 RED/BLU KS (KNOCK SENSOR) Detects knock sensor signal With engine knocking: pulses 
43 BLU/BLK NC (OUTPUT SHAFT (COUNTERSHAFT) SPEED SENSOR) Detects output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor signals With ignition switch ON (II): pulses
With vehicle moving: about 5.0 V (pulses) 
44 BRN/YEL LG2 (LOGIC GROUND) Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit Less than 1.0 V at all times 

*1: KE, KG, TR models 
*7: KE, KG, TR, KQ models