Special Tools Required
Clutch compressor attachment ( 07ZAE-PRP0100)
1. | Inspect the clutch piston, discs, plates, and end-plate for wear and damage, and inspect the clutch waved-plate phase difference, if necessary. |
2. | Install the waved spring (A) in the 1st clutch drum (B). Starting with the clutch waved-plate, alternately install the waved-plates (C) (6) and discs (D) (6). Install the clutch end-plate (E) with the flat side down on the top disc.
3. | Install the clutch pistons in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th clutch drums. Do not install the O-rings during inspection.
4. | Install the waved spring (A) in the 2nd clutch drum (B). Starting with the clutch flat-plate, alternately install the flat-plates (C) (4) and discs (D) (4). Install the clutch end-plate (E) with the flat side down on the top disc.
5. | Install the waved spring (A) in the 4th clutch drum (B). Starting with the clutch flat-plate, alternately install the flat-plates (C) (4) and discs (D) (4). Install the clutch end-plate (E) with the flat side down on the top disc.
6. | Install the waved spring (A) in the 3rd clutch drum (B). Starting with the clutch waved-plate, alternately install the waved-plates (C) (4) and discs (D) (4). Install the clutch end-plate (E) with the flat side down on the top disc.
7. | Install the waved spring (A) in the 5th clutch drum (B). Starting with the clutch waved-plate, alternately install the waved-plates (C) (4) and discs (D) (4). Install the clutch end-plate (E) with the flat side down on the top disc.
8. | Install the snap ring with a screwdriver to secure the clutch end-plate.
9. | Set a dial indicator (A) on the clutch end-plate (B).
10. | Zero the dial indicator with the clutch end-plate lifted up to the snap ring (C). |
11. | Release the clutch end-plate to lower the clutch end-plate, then put the special tool on the end-plate (A).
12. | For the 1st, 3rd, and 5th clutches: Press the special tool down with 150-160 N (15-16 kgf, 33-35 lbf) (B) using a force gauge, and read the dial indicator (C). The dial indicator reads the clearance (D) between the clutch-end-plate and top disc (E). Take measurements in at least three places, and use the average as the actual clearance. |
13. | For 2nd and 4th clutches: Press the special tool down with 39 N (4 kgf, 9 lbf) (B) using a force gauge, and read the dial indicator (C). The dial indicator reads the clearance (D) between the clutch-end-plate and top disc (E). Take measurements in at least three places, and use the average as the actual clearance.
14. | If the clearance of the 1st, 3rd, or 5th clutch is out of the service limit, select a new clutch end-plate from the following table.
15. | If the clearance of the 2nd or 4th clutch is out of the service limit, remove the clutch end-plate and check the clutch end-plate mark. Select a new clutch end-plate from the following tables by the mark on the old clutch end-plate; use the AC-AL Plates table with the old clutch end-plate is marked with between AC and AL, and use the AM-AV Plates table with the old clutch end-plate is marked with between AM and AV.
16. | Install the new clutch end-plate, and recheck the clearance. If the thickest clutch end-plate is installed, but the clearance is still over the service limit, replace the clutch discs and plates. |