NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.
Terminal number | Wire color | Terminal name | Description | Signal |
4 | PUR | FANL (RADIATOR FAN CONTROL) | Drives radiator fan relay | With radiator fan running: about 0 V With radiator fan stopped: battery voltage |
5 | GRY | FANH (RADIATOR FAN CONTROL) | Drives A/C condenser fan relay | With A/C condenser fan running: about 0 V With A/C condenser fan stopped: battery voltage |
6 | GRN | MRLY (PGM-FI MAIN RELAY 1) (C) | Drives PGM-FI main relay 1 (C) Power source for DTC memory | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V With ignition switch OFF: battery voltage |
8 | ORN | IGP (POWER SOURCE) | Power source for ECM/PCM circuit | With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage |
9 | BLK | SG6 (SENSOR GROUND) | Sensor ground | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
14 | RED | ACC (A/C COMPRESSOR CLUTCH RELAY) | Drives A/C compressor clutch relay | With compressor ON: about 0 V With compressor OFF: battery voltage |
15 | BRN | IMOFPR (IMMOBILIZER FUEL PUMP RELAY) | Drives PGM-FI main relay 2 (FUEL PUMP) | About 0 V for 2 seconds after turning ignition switch ON (II), then battery voltage |
16 | LT GRN | ACPD (A/C PRESSURE SENSOR) | Detects A/C pressure sensor signal | With A/C switch ON: about 1.7-4.8 V (depending on A/C pressure) |
17 | YEL | APSA (ACCELERATOR PEDAL POSITION (APP) SENSOR A) | Detects APP sensor A signal | With ignition switch ON (II) and accelerator pedal pressed: about 4.7 V With ignition switch ON (II) and accelerator pedal released: about 0.5 V |
18 | PUR | APSB (ACCELERATOR PEDAL POSITION (APP) SENSOR B) | Detects APP sensor B signal | With ignition switch ON (II) and accelerator pedal pressed: about 2.3 V With ignition switch ON (II) and accelerator pedal released: about 0.25 V |
19 | RED | VCC6 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) | Provides sensor reference voltage | With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V |
20 | YEL | ETCSRLY (ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROL SYSTEM (ETCS) CONTROL RELAY) | Drives electronic throttle control system (ETCS) control relay | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V (4.0 V momentarily) |
21 | PNK | SUBRLY (PGM-FI SUBRELAY (E)) | Drives PGM-FI subrelay (E) | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V |
23 | ORN | ELD (ELECTRICAL LOAD DETECTOR (ELD)) | Detects ELD signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.1-4.8 V (depending on electrical load) |
NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.
Terminal number | Wire color | Terminal name | Description | Signal |
24 | GRY | VCC5 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) | Provides sensor reference voltage | With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V |
25 | BRN | VCC4 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) | Provides sensor reference voltage | With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V |
27*1 | PNK | SLS (SHIFT LOCK SOLENOID) | Drives shift lock solenoid | With ignition switch ON (II), in the P position, brake pedal pressed, and accelerator released: battery voltage |
28 | BLU | NEP (ENGINE SPEED PULSE) | Outputs engine speed pulse | With engine running: pulse |
29 | BLU | VSSOUT (VEHICLE SPEED SIGNAL OUTPUT) | Sends vehicle speed sensor signal | Depending on vehicle speed: pulses |
31 | BRN | SCS (SERVICE CHECK SIGNAL) | Detects service check signal | With service check signal shorted using the HDS: about 0 V With service check signal opened: about 5.0 V |
33 | GRN | ECT2 (ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE (ECT) SENSOR 2) | Detects ECT sensor 2 signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.1-4.8 V (depending on engine coolant temperature) |
34 | LT BLU | SG5 (SENSOR GROUND) | Sensor ground | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
35 | BLU | SG4 (SENSOR GROUND) | Sensor ground | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
36 | WHT | CANH (CAN COMMUNICATION SIGNAL HIGH) | Sends communication signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 2.5 V (pulse) |
37 | RED | CANL (CAN COMMUNICATION SIGNAL LOW) | Sends communication signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 2.5 V (pulse) |
*1: | A/T |
NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.
Terminal number | Wire color | Terminal name | Description | Signal |
39 | BRN | BKSWNC (BRAKE PEDAL POSITION SWITCH) | Detects brake pedal position switch signal | With ignition switch ON (II) and brake pedal released: battery voltage With ignition switch ON (II) and brake pedal pressed: about 0 V |
40 | LT GRN | BKSW (BRAKE PEDAL POSITION SWITCH) | Detects brake pedal position switch signal | With brake pedal released: about 0 V With brake pedal pressed: battery voltage |
41*2 | LT BLU | CRMTCLS (CRUISE CLUTCH PEDAL POSITION SIGNAL) | Detects clutch pedal position switch signal | With ignition switch ON (II) and clutch pedal released: about 0 V With ignition switch ON (II) and clutch pedal pressed: battery voltage |
42 | RED | WEN (WRITE ENABLE SIGNAL) | Detects write enable signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V |
44 | PNK | S-NET5V (SERIAL COMMUNICATION FOR IMMOBILIZER) | Sends communication signal | With ignition switch ON (II): pulses With ignition switch OFF: about 5.0 V |
*2: | M/T |
NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.
Terminal number | Wire color | Terminal name | Description | Signal |
1 | BLK/RED | PG2 (POWER GROUND) | Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
2 | BLU/RED | EGR (EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION (EGR) VALVE) | Drives EGR valve | With EGR operating: duty controlled With EGR not operating: about 0 V |
3 | YEL/BLU | PCS (EVAPORATIVE EMISSION (EVAP) CANISTER PURGE VALVE) | Drives EVAP canister purge valve | With engine running, engine coolant below 60 °C (140 °F): battery voltage With engine running, engine coolant above 60 °C (140 °F): duty controlled |
4 | BLK/WHT | SO2SHTC (SECONDARY HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR (SECONDARY HO2S) HEATER (SENSOR 2)) | Drives secondary HO2S heater (sensor 2) | With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage With fully warmed up engine running: duty controlled |
7 | YEL/RED | OPSW (OIL PRESSURE SWITCH) | Detects engine oil pressure signal | With ignition switch OFF: about 0 V With engine running: battery voltage |
8*1 | BLU/RED | OP2SW (2ND CLUTCH TRANSMISSION FLUID PRESSURE SWITCH) | Detects 2nd clutch transmission fluid pressure switch input | With ignition switch ON (II): Without 2nd clutch pressure: about 5.0 V With 2nd clutch pressure: about 0 V |
9*1 | BLK/WHT | OP3SW (3RD CLUTCH TRANSMISSION FLUID PRESSURE SWITCH) | Detects 3rd clutch transmission fluid pressure switch input | With ignition switch ON (II): Without 3rd clutch pressure: about 5.0 V With 3rd clutch pressure: about 0 V |
10*1 | BLU/BLK | SHA (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE A) | Drives shift solenoid valve A | With engine running in R position, D and S positions (in 1st, 4th, or 5th gears): battery voltage With engine running in P, N positions, and D and S positions (in 2nd and 3rd gears): about 0 V |
11*1 | GRN/WHT | SHB (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE B) | Drives shift solenoid valve B | With engine running in P, R and N positions, D and S positions (in 1st and 2nd gears): battery voltage With engine running in D and S positions (in 3rd, 4th, 5th gears): about 0 V |
12*1 | RED/BLK | ATPN (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH NEUTRAL) | Detects transmission range switch N position signal input | In N position: about 0 V In any position other than N position: about 5.0 V |
13*1 | BLU/BLK | ATPP (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH PARK) | Detects transmission range switch Park position signal input | In Park position: about 0 V In any other position: about 5.0 V |
14*1 | WHT | ATPR (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH R) | Detects transmission range switch R position signal input | In R position: about 0 V In any position other than R position: about 5.0 V |
15*1 | RED | ATPS (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH S) | Detects transmission range switch S position signal input | In S position: about 0 V In any position other than S position: battery voltage |
*1: | A/T |
NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.
Terminal number | Wire color | Terminal name | Description | Signal |
16*1 | BLU/YEL | SUPP (STEERING WHEEL UPSHIFT (+) SWITCH) | Detects steering wheel upshift (+) switch signal | In S position: With +switch pressed: about 0 V With +switch released: battery voltage |
17*1 | WHT/RED | NM (INPUT SHAFT (MAINSHAFT) SPEED SENSOR) | Detects input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V With engine idling in N position: about 2.5 V |
18 | YEL/BLU | VCC2 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) | Provides sensor voltage | With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V |
20*1 | GRN | SHC (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE C) | Drives shift solenoid valve C | With engine running in N and S positions (in 1st, 3rd, and 5th gears): battery voltage With engine running in P and R positions, and D and S positions (in 2nd and 4th gears): about 0 V |
21*1 | YEL/GRN | ATPD (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH D) | Detects transmission range switch D position signal input | In D position: about 0 V In any position other than D position: battery voltage |
22*1 | RED/WHT | ATPRVS (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH R) | Detects transmission range switch R position signal input | In R position: about 0 V In any position other than R position: battery voltage |
23 | RED/WHT | ECT1 (ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE (ECT) SENSOR 1) | Detects ECT sensor 1 signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.1-4.8 V (depending on engine coolant temperature) |
24*1 | YEL | SHE (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE E) | Drives shift solenoid valve E | With engine running in P and R positions: battery voltage With engine running in N position, D and S positions (in 1st gear): about 0 V |
25*1 | BLU/YEL | LSC (A/T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE C) | Drives A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C | With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled |
26*1 | GRN/RED | SHD (SHIFT SOLENOID VALVE D) | Drives shift solenoid valve D | With engine running in D and S positions (in 2nd and 5th gears): battery voltage With engine running in P, R, and N positions, D and S positions (in 1st, 3rd, and 4th gears): about 0 V |
27*1 | RED/YEL | ATFT (ATF TEMPERATURE SENSOR) | Detects ATF temperature signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.2-4.0 V (about 1.8 V at operating temperature) (depending on ATF temperature) |
28*1 | BLU/YEL | ATPFWD (TRANSMISSION RANGE SWITCH D/S POSITION) | Detects transmission range switch D and S positions signal | In D and S positions: about 0 V In any other position: battery voltage |
29 | WHT/BLK | EGRP (EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION (EGR) VALVE POSITION SENSOR) | Detects EGR valve position sensor signal | With engine running: 1.2-3.0 V (depending on EGR valve lift) |
*1: | A/T |
NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.
Terminal number | Wire color | Terminal name | Description | Signal |
30 | RED/BLK | VG+ (MASS AIR FLOW (MAF) SENSOR +SIDE) | Detects MAF sensor signal | At idle: 1.1-1.6 V (between VG+ terminal and VG- terminal) |
31 | RED/YEL | IAT (INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE (IAT) SENSOR) | Detects IAT sensor signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0.1-4.0 V (about 1.8 V at normal operating temperature) |
32 | BLK/BLU | VG- (MASS AIR FLOW (MAF) SENSOR -SIDE) | Ground for MAF sensor signal | |
33 | GRN/BLK | SG2 (SENSOR GROUND) | Sensor ground | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
34 | GRN/YEL | VTS (ROCKER ARM OIL CONTROL SOLENOID) | Drives rocker arm oil control solenoid | At idle: about 0 V |
35*1 | BRN | LSB (A/T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE AB) | Drives A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B | With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled |
36 | BLK | PG1 (POWER GROUND) | Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
40*1 | BRN | SDNP (STEERING WHEEL DOWNSHIFT (-) SWITCH) | Detects steering wheel downshift (-) switch signal | In S position: With -switch pressed: 0 V With -switch released: battery voltage |
41 | WHT/GRN | ALTC (ALTERNATOR CONTROL) | Sends alternator control signal | With fully warmed up engine running: 5.0 V (depending on electrical load) |
42 | WHT/BLU | ALTL (ALTERNATOR L SIGNAL) | Detects alternator L signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V With engine running: battery voltage |
43 | WHT/RED | ALTF (ALTERNATOR FR SIGNAL) | Detects alternator FR signal | With engine running: about 2.6-3.4 V (depending on electrical load) |
44*1 | RED/BLK | LSA (A/T CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE A) | Drives A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A | With ignition switch ON (II): current controlled |
*1: | A/T |
NOTE: Standard battery is about 12 V.
Terminal number | Wire color | Terminal name | Description | Signal |
1 | WHT | IG1ETCS (IGNITION SIGNAL ETCS) | Detects ignition signal | With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage |
2 | BLK | PGMETCS (POWER GROUND ETCS) | Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
3 | GRN/YEL | ETCSM- (THROTTLE ACTUATOR -SIDE) | Ground for throttle actuator | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V |
4 | BLU/RED | ETCSM+ (THROTTLE ACTUATOR +SIDE) | Drives throttle actuator | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V |
5 | BRN | INJ1 (No. 1 INJECTOR) | Drives No. 1 injector | At idle: duty controlled With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage |
6 | RED | INJ2 (No. 2 INJECTOR) | Drives No. 2 injector | |
7 | BLU | INJ3 (No. 3 INJECTOR) | Drives No. 3 injector | |
8 | YEL | INJ4 (No. 4 INJECTOR) | Drives No. 4 injector | |
9 | WHT/GRN | AFSHTC (AIR FUEL RATIO (A/F) SENSOR HEATER CONTROL (SENSOR 1)) | Drives A/F sensor heater (sensor 1) | With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage With fully warmed up engine running: about 0 V |
11 | GRN/RED | MAP (MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE (MAP) SENSOR) | Detects MAP sensor signal | With ignition switch ON (II): about 3.0 V At idle: about 1.0 V (depending on engine speed) |
12 | BLU | VCC3 (SENSOR VOLTAGE) | Provides sensor reference voltage | With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V |
13 | YEL/RED | VCC1 (SENSOR refens VOLTAGE) | Provides sensor reference voltage | With ignition switch ON (II): about 5.0 V |
14 | GRN/WHT | SG1 (SENSOR GROUND) | Sensor ground | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
15 | YEL/GRN | IGPLS1 (No. 1 IGNITION COIL PULSE) | Drives No. 1 ignition coil | With ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V With engine running: pulses |
16 | BLU/RED | IGPLS2 (No. 2 IGNITION COIL PULSE) | Drives No. 2 ignition coil | |
17 | WHT/BLU | IGPLS3 (No. 3 IGNITION COIL PULSE) | Drives No. 3 ignition coil | |
18 | BRN | IGPLS4 (No. 4 IGNITION COIL PULSE) | Drives No. 4 ignition coil | |
20 | RED/BLK | TPSA (THROTTLE POSITION (TP) SENSOR A) | Detects TP sensor A signal | With throttle fully open: about 3.9 V With throttle fully closed: about 0.9 V |
21 | RED/BLU | TPSB (THROTTLE POSITION (TP) SENSOR B) | Detects TP sensor B signal | With throttle fully open: about 4.1 V With throttle fully closed: about 1.7 V |
NOTE: Standard battery voltage is about 12 V.
Terminal number | Wire color | Terminal name | Description | Signal |
22*3 | BLU/BLK | VTPSW (ROCKER ARM OIL PRESSURE SWITCH) | Detects rocker arm oil pressure switch signal | With engine at low speed: about 0 V With engine at high speed: battery voltage |
23 | BLU/WHT | VTC (VTC OIL CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE) | Drives VTC oil control solenoid valve | with ignition switch ON (II): about 0 V |
27 | WHT/RED | SHO2S (SECONDARY HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR (SECONDARY HO2S) (SENSOR 2) | Detects secondary HO2S (sensor 2) signal | With throttle fully opened at idle and fully warmed up engine: about 0.6 V With throttle quickly closed: below 0.4 V |
29 | RED | AFS+ (AIR FUEL RATIO (A/F) SENSOR (SENSOR 1) +SIDE) | Detects A/F sensor (sensor 1) signal | |
30 | RED/YEL | AFS- (AIR FUEL RATIO (A/F) SENSOR (SENSOR 1) -SIDE) | Detects A/F sensor (sensor 1) signal | |
31 | GRN | CMP B (CAMSHAFT POSITION (CMP) SENSOR B) | Detects CMP sensor B signal | With engine running: pulses |
32 | BLU/YEL | CKP (CRANKSHAFT POSITION (CKP) SENSOR) | Detects CKP sensor signal | With engine running: pulses |
36 | BLK/GRN | IG1 (IGNITION SIGNAL) | Detects ignition signal | With ignition switch ON (II): battery voltage |
39 | GRN | SG3 (SENSOR GROUND) | Sensor ground | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
40 | BRN/YEL | LG1 (LOGIC GROUND) | Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
41 | BLU/WHT | CMP A (CAMSHAFT POSITION (CMP) SENSOR A) | Detects CMP sensor A signal | With engine running: pulses |
42 | RED/BLU | KS (KNOCK SENSOR) | Detects knock sensor signal | With engine knocking: pulses |
43 | BLK/WHT | NC (OUTPUT SHAFT (COUNTERSHAFT) SPEED SENSOR) | Detects output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor signals | With ignition switch ON (II): pulses With vehicle moving: about 5.0 V (pulses) |
44 | BRN/YEL | LG2 (LOGIC GROUND) | Ground circuit for ECM/PCM circuit | Less than 1.0 V at all times |
*3: | KQ model |