1. | Write down the frequencies for the radio's preset buttons. Disconnect the negative (-) cable first, then the positive (+) cable from the battery. Remove the battery. |
2. | Remove the cowl cover and under-cowl panel. |
3. | Remove the air cleaner housing. |
4. | Remove the harness clips (A) and the intake air duct (B), then remove the battery base (C) with the reservoir tank (D).
5. | Remove the clutch line bracket (A), then carefully remove the slave cylinder (B) to avoid bending the clutch line. Do not press the clutch pedal once the slave cylinder has been removed.
6. | Disconnect the back-up light switch connector (A) and the vehicle speed sensor connector (B) and the harness clips (C).
7. | Remove the cable bracket (A), then disconnect the cables (B) from the top of the transmission housing. Carefully remove both cables and the bracket together so as not to bend the cables.
8. | Remove the harness clips (A) from the clutch cable bracket (B) and harness bracket (C).
9. | Remove the air cleaner housing bracket (A).
10. | Remove the engine wire harness cover (A) by lifting up on the lock tabs (B), then slide the harness forward off the air cleaner housing mounting bracket (C).
11. | Remove the air cleaner housing mounting bracket (A). Attach the engine hanger (B) to the engine using the 8 x 1.25 mm bolt (C).
12. | Attach the chain hoist to engine. |
13. | Remove the two transmission upper mounting bolts.
14. | Remove the under-hood fuse/relay box (A) lifting up on the lock tab (B), then move it aside.
15. | Remove the engine control module (ECM) stay (A), then move it aside. Remove the clutch pips clamp (B).
16. | Disconnect the ground cable (A), then remove the transmission mount bracket bolts (B) and nuts (C). Remove the transmission mount bracket (D).
17. | Raise the vehicle, and make sure it is securely supported. |
18. | Drain the transmission fluid. Reinstall the drain bolt. |
19. | Remove the splash shield.
20. | Separate the lower arm. |
21. | Remove the syiffner plate (A) and mounting bracket (B) from the steering gearbox. Disconnect the exhaust pips mounting rubber (C).
22. | Remove the syiffner plate (A) and harness clip (B).
23. | Remove the front engine mount bracket mounting bolt and lower radiator hose from the front engine mount bracket.
24. | Remove the front engine mount bracket (A) from the transmission (B).
25. | Remove the rear engine mount bracket mounting bolt.
26. | Remove the middle subframe mounting bolts (A).
27. | Support the subframe with a 4 x 4 x 40 in. piece of wood and a jack.
28. | Remove the front suspension subframe mounting bolts (A) and front suspension subframe (B). NOTE: Suspend the steering gearbox with an appropriate size wire.
29. | Pry the driveshafts inboard joint. |
30. | Remove the intermediate shafts. |
31. | Remove the clutch cover.
32. | Place the transmission jack under the transmission, and remove the lower transmission mounting bolts.
33. | Pull the transmission away from the engine until the transmission mainshaft clears the clutch pressure plate, then lower the transmission on the transmission jack. |
34. | Remove the release fork boot (A) from the transmission (B).
35. | Remove the release fork (C) from the transmission by squeezing the release fork set spring (D) with pliers. Remove the release bearing (E). |