1. | Raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it with safety stands in the proper locations. |
2. | Remove the wheel nuts (A) and the rear wheel.
3. | Remove the brake hose bracket mounting bolt (A) from the knuckle.
4. | Remove the brake caliper bracket mounting bolts (B), and remove the caliper assembly (C) from the knuckle. To prevent damage to the caliper assembly or brake hose, use a short piece of wire to hang the caliper assembly from the undercarriage. Do not twist the brake hose excessively. |
5. | Remove the two washers (A).
6. | Remove the 6 mm brake disc retaining screws (A).
7. | Remove the brake disc (B) from the hub bearing nuit. NOTE: If the brake disc has clung to the hub bearing unit. Screw two 8 x 1.25 mm bolts (C) into the brake disc to push it away from the hub bearing unit. Turn each bolt 90 degrees at a time to cocking the brake disc. |
8. | Remove the hub bearing unit (A) and the O-ring (B).
9. | Check the rear hub for damage and cracks. |
10. | Install the hub bearing unit in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:
1. | Raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it with safety stands in the proper locations. |
2. | Remove the wheel nuts (A) and the rear wheel.
3. | Release the parking brake, and remove the brake drum (A) from the hub bearing unit. NOTE:
4. | Remove the hub bearing unit (A) and O-ring (B).
5. | Install the hub bearing unit in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:
1. | Remove the hub bearing unit. |
2. | Remove the splash guard (A).
3. | Remove the wheel sensor (A), the O-ring (B), and the sensor harness (C) from the knuckle (D). Do not disconnect the wheel sensor connector. NOTE: Use a new O-ring during reassembly.
4. | Place a floor jack under the trailing arm to support it. NOTE: Do not place the jack against the plate section of the lower arm. Be careful not to damage any suspension components. |
5. | Remove the flange bolt (A), and disconnect the upper arm (B) from the knuckle.
6. | Mark the cam positions of the adjusting bolt (A) and the adjusting cam (B), then remove the self-locking nut (C), the adjusting cam, and the adjusting bolt. Discard the self-locking nut.
7. | Remove the flange bolt (D). |
8. | Install the knuckle in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:
1. | Remove the hub bearing unit. |
2. | Disconnect the brake line (A) from the wheel cylinder (B). Remove the rear brake assembly (C) from the knuckle.
3. | Remove the wheel sensor (A), the O-ring (B), and the sensor harness (C) from the knuckle (D). Do not disconnect the wheel sensor connector. NOTE: Use a new O-ring during reassembly.
4. | Place a floor jack under the trailing arm to support it. NOTE: Do not place the jack against the plate section of the lower arm. Be careful not to damage any suspension components. |
5. | Remove the flange bolt (A), and disconnect the upper arm (B) from the knuckle.
6. | Mark the cam positions of the adjusting bolt (A) and the adjusting cam (B), then remove the self-locking nut (C), the adjusting cam, and the adjusting bolt. Discard the self-locking nut.
7. | Remove the flange bolt (D). |
8. | Install the knuckle in the reverse order of removal, and note these items: