Cam Chain Auto-tensioner Removal and Installation


1.Remove the chain case cover.


2.Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise to compress the auto-tensioner.


3.Align the holes on the lock (A) and the auto-tensioner (B), then insert a 1.2 mm (0.05 in.) diameter pin or lock pin (P/N 14511-PNA-003) (C) into the holes. Turn the crankshaft clockwise to secure the pin.


4.Remove the auto-tensioner.



1.Install the auto-tensioner.


2.Remove the pin or lock pin (P/N 14511-PNA-003) from the auto-tensioner.


3.Remove all of the old liquid gasket from the chain case cover mating surfaces, bolts, and bolt holes.

4.Clean, and dry the chain case cover mating surfaces.

5.Apply liquid gasket, P/N 08C70-K0234M, 08C70- K0334M, or 08C70-X0331S, evenly to the chain case mating surface of the chain case cover.

NOTE: Do not install components if 5 minutes or more have passed after applying the liquid gasket. Instead, remove the old residue and reapply the liquid gasket.


6.Install the chain case cover.

  • Wait at least 30 minutes before filling the engine with oil.
  • Do not run the engine for at least 3 hours after installing the chain case cover.