M/T Reverse Lockout Solenoid Disassembly/Reassembly

1.Write down the frequencies for the radio's preset buttons. Disconnect the negative (-) cable first, then the positive (+) cable from the battery. Remove the battery.

2.Remove the air cleaner housing.

3.Remove the battery base.

4.Carefully remove the shift cable, select cable, and cable bracket together so as not to bend the cables.

5.Disconnect the back-up light switch connector and the reverse lockout solenoid connector, then remove the engine harness cover and harness.

6.Remove the bolts (A) and reverse lockout solenoid (B).


7.Remove the roller (A), the select lock return spring (C), and the select lock cam B.


8.Install in the reverse order of removal.

9.Remove the dirt and oil from the sealing surface. Apply liquid gasket (P/N 08718-0002) to the sealing surface.

NOTE: Do not install components if too much time has passed after applying the liquid gasket (for P/N 08718-0002, no more than 4 minutes, for all others, no more than 5 minutes). Instead, remove the old residue and reapply the liquid gasket.

10.Install the reverse lockout solenoid.


11.Connect the reverse lockout solenoid connector, back-up light switch connector.

12.Install the cable bracket, select cable, and shift cable.

13.Install the battery base.

14.Install the air cleaner housing.

15.Install the battery. Connect the positive (+) cable first, then the negative (-) cable to the battery.

16.Enter the anti-theft code for the radio and navigation system, then enter the customer's radio station presets.

17.Perform the power window control unit reset procedure.